Code of Conduct Policy

At Freedom Financial, we uphold the highest standards in our relationships with clients, prospective clients, associates, affiliates, referral sources, and others. These relationships are founded upon principles of confidentiality, integrity, professionalism, responsiveness, respect, and fair dealings.

Our commitment extends to ensuring that in all our interactions with clients, prospective clients, associates, affiliates, referral sources, and others, we uphold their reputation, competency, and integrity. We do not engage in any actions that could undermine, harm, diminish, or slander their standing.

Equality and Fair Treatment Policy

Freedom Financial adheres to the principle that every individual has the right to contract on equal terms and receive fair and equal treatment, devoid of discrimination. We do not discriminate based on age, race, religion, gender identity, sexual preference, marital status, socioeconomic status, place of origin, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, or physical or mental disability.

Zero Tolerance for Sexual and Racial Harassment

Freedom Financial maintains a zero-tolerance policy towards sexual and racial harassment in the workplace. We are committed to providing a safe and respectful work environment for all employees.

Compliance with Policies

Principals and staff are expected to abide by these policies at all times. It is imperative that every member of our organisation upholds these principles to maintain the integrity and reputation of Freedom Financial.